Nobel talks-

Nobel Center Talk #8 Focus: Audiences

Sveriges Museer samarbetar med Nobel Prize Museum i ett seminarium på Tekniska museet den 1 oktober. Nobel Center Talks är en serie av programaktiviteter som undersöker Nobel Centers betydelse i staden, regionen, landet och utifrån den internationella kontexten. Utifrån ett givet tema bjuds nyckelpersoner in för att dela med sig av sina erfarenheter och bidra med kunskap och idéer.


Date: 1st of October, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Place: Tekniska Museet

RSVP here>>.


The theme “Audiences” wants to explore the value of a public space focusing on the core constituents: its audience. The steady-goers, the returners, the must-goers, the ones dragged there by their friends and family, but also those who never thought they would want to go. We will explore why it is important to know their desires and driving forces and why it is essential to learn from and listen to the audience.

Introduction Astrid Söderbergh Widding, Chair of the Nobel Foundation

Welcome Gunnar Ardelius, Secretary General, Swedish Museum Association

Session 1

The importance of audience development

Why we should learn from and listen to the audience

Niels Righolt has more than 25 years in the arts field as producer, artistic director, and culture political advisor within a variety of cultural institutions and organisations. He is currently the CEO of CKI, the Danish Center for Arts & Interculture in Copenhagen, a competence center devoted to intercultural issues, audience development and cultural democracy. CKI had a pivotal role in the EU funded projects ADESTE and ADESTE+ – Audience Development Strategies for cultural organisations in Europe – the largest developing program yet concerned with audience development. 

Emilie Gordenker is the director of the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam. Gordenker is an art historian, specialising in 17th-century Dutch art and has worked in several prestigious art institutions in the US, the UK and Holland. The Van Gogh Museum is one of the two most visited in the Netherlands, along with the Rijksmuseum. The museum attracts over 1.7 million visitors a year, of whom 80% are international tourists, but a major goal has been to attract more local visitors to the museum.

Moderator Clara Åhlvik, Director of Exhibitions, Nobel Prize Museum


Session 2

Rethinking the public value of museums

The museum as a space for social interaction, reflection, and learning

John H Falk is the executive director of the Institute for Learning Innovation in Portland and professor of Free-Choice Learning at Oregon State University. Falk is widely published and has written several books in the fields of museum studies, leisure and tourism, biology, and education. His current research focuses on the community impacts of museums and libraries among others, understanding the reasons people utilise free-choice learning settings during their spare time, and helping cultural institutions rethink their educational positioning in the contemporary era.

Moderator Britta Söderqvist, Director Gothenburg Museums

Session 3

A Warm Welcome

Creating a culture of people-centered practice


David Jubb is the co-director of Citizens in Power, a not-for-profit organisation with a purpose to co-design ways for citizens to lead decision-making. Jubb has a long-standing career in developing participative methods involving audiences to make creative decisions. For several years David Jubb served as the artistic director and chief executive of Battersea Arts Centre, London, where all work was shaped by the purpose statement “to inspire people, to take creative risks, to change the future”.

Hannah Fox is the executive director of The Bowes Museum, Durham and the former lead for the award-winning Museum of Making, Derby Museums which was delivered via a complete co-production scheme with surrounding communities and stakeholders. Fox has over 20 years of experience in delivering culture projects using design thinking/human-center-design and co-production in a range of creative industries and cultural institutions.

Moderator Britta Söderqvist, Director Gothenburg Museums


Erika Lanner, Museum Director, Nobel Prize Museum


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