Ukrainian – Swedish Museums Conference June 3rd
Riksförbundet Sveriges Museer med flera medlemsparter har valt att ställa sig bakom detta initiativ till dialog som tagits av de ukrainska kollegorna. Vill du vara med i dialogen och veta mer, boka in fredag förmiddag den 3 juni och anmäl dig via länken nedan. Vi återkommer med länk för deltagande i Zoom.
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Ukrainian – Swedish research and practice conference
Ukraine after the War: Museums as a Gate to the Future
June 3, 2022 at 8.30 – 12.00 (CET) and 9.30 – 13.00 (EES)
Organizers: National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Development Centre Democracy through Culture (Kyiv), Swedish Museum Association with member partners
Objectives: For museums in Sweden to learn about the current situation for museums in Ukraine today in order to understand their needs. Building a platform for future cooperation. Explore possible cooperation in order to support Ukrainian museums now and after the war.
Platform: Zoom (note that the conference will be recorded as well as consecutively interpreted (to or from Ukrainian)